This week it seems to be The Previous Plastic Surgeon and Reptile taking the lead. I think Reptile has been winning in the book sales department all month. Must be those flying ants.
This week also saw the release of Chester and Lester's Christmas in July Special. That one is only on godless though. One day, I might collect all the Chester and Lester stories and publish them in paperback, but that day is not today. I just posted about my plans not just for the next few months but to last into 2024 at least.
Chester and Lester's Christmas in July Special ends the monthly releases. With the exception of April, I have been releasing one book, usually between short story and novella length per month since September. I can't keep up with that anymore. I'm tired and my health is shit. Maybe next week I'll get around to posting a complete list of what was released in that time. And I had releases at the end of July last year, missed August, so really, I have been publishing a lot and all of them except The Scratching Post have been self-published (which is a lot more work).
Thank you so much for all these sales. It has been absolutely amazing. The money I earn from book sales really helps me out a lot as I posted last week and probably the week before, etc.
I have a few more updates to do before I can work on October's release and rest. It is Sunday and I have another full week of work next week. As I posted on TikTok last night, freelancing was hiding some of my symptoms. I also have to do ironing today. I hate ironing. I chuck what can be chucked into the tumble drier to avoid it but none of this stuff can go in the tumble drier with tumble drier sheets and folded as soon as it stops to avoid the ironing.