There isn't really much to update, except I've had another interview, still waiting to hear back about a short story and the hayfever combined with side effects from taking antihistamines is really unpleasant (at points, I haven't been functional, hoping to get prescription antihistamines this week as less side effects and might work better).
- I still don't have a date for Satan's Yeast Infection 3. It will be next month sometime.
- I currently have Stef and Tucker 6 on the laptop. Hoping for a June release for that one.
- In the notebook, I have the quicksand story I promised after becoming really frustrated with Americans thinking the entire world is just like their tiny section of the USA (and that is one fucking huge country so it isn't like it has the same climate and beaches throughout anyways). It is currently titled The Tourists. And obviously the quicksand in it stops behaving like normal quicksand and the more time I spend on social media, the more annoyed I get with a certain nationality (ranging from that's kinda harmless but really fucking offensive to are you seriously trying to start a war and your beliefs are actively hurting the rest of us so stop fucking inflicting them on us unless you want to start paying the cost of the damage), so I haven't been on social media all that much (I lived over there so I know how they rewrite history and what their news is like, but with social media, which they didn't invent, but did do a lot towards its development, they have access to the outside world so there really isn't an excuse to be doing that). Hopefully after the USA election, they'll calm down, not insult the fact that Britain still has milk delivery, etc. I didn't do so well coping with this behaviour when I lived over there but until the past few months or so, I didn't have to deal with it unless I was physically there. So best I avoid it and focus on my own life. Although let us not forget that an election has to be called over here this year.
- Then after that one, I have something that is very extreme, very horrible and very in your face.
- Followed by my halloween story.
- Then formatting the Christmas story (I can't remember what happened to the dog).
- Then I'm free. I'll get back to what I had intended on doing last year, redo my dinning room and I have a collaboration in the works.