In terms of deadlines, obviously the line up for Fucking Scumbags Burn in Hell 2 has been announced so I am working on that. Plus, I'm not exactly confident with self-publishing now but after spending all of 2021 self-publishing, I'm feeling ready to follow the publishing plan I had when kindle became a thing so that means I need to start submitting to slushpiles again. I know of a few that'll be opening soon so I want stories ready to submit.
I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to post on here next week either. In addition to actually writing the stories, I have an art commission, I have cleaning to do and it is meant to be payday (fingers crossed) so me and his royal highness will be going into town and buying him some much needed school shoes and I need a decent pair of trainers for walking (Converse are fine for walking that distance every now and then but not daily). I thought we'd make a day of it because the last few months have been so miserable.
Have a great week (or two) everyone.
PS I have not forgotten the people that have helped me out. Not just in the last few months with my clothing and groceries but going right back to the end of 2017. Once I have a confirmed paycheque I will do a big mushy post about how much it has helped me and the long-term impact on my life. But thank you.