It seems that right until mid-August, I have Saturday plans nearly every weekend. That basically means, my blog posts will be fewer as will my social media updates. I'm perfectly fine, just really busy. Plus I have a novel to write and finish off some short things and I'm really hoping to return to my cut-up project.
Obviously, while my house was being done over the winter, I stopped working on the novel and the cut-up project (which were my winter plans) to work on shorter things that still needed to be done but not right away. That was just because I knew I'd be distracted and wouldn't be able to concentrate fully on the novel (third rewrite lucky). Plus, rebuilding my skills and putting together a new portfolio. So I am super busy.
I'm also looking forward to having something resembling a life where I'm not working all the time over the summer. This is the first time this has happened since I was a child. I worked hard to get to this point and I'm going to enjoy it.
However, sacrifices need to be made. And over the next few weeks, my summer plans will come at the expense of my website. Normal posting will eventually resume. And I will still try to get selections from my books posted as and when I can. I do still hope to have extracts posted for all my books by the end of the summer. I think I have one or two free Saturdays in there.
Having a life is something I have badly needed for many years now (like since I was 16, but the opportunity was never there and thankfully, everything that happened to me is now really fucking illegal on a domestic and family front - that includes extended family and son's relatives, so still working on making it illegal for teachers to behave in such a manner towards other people). My son's father would always go out and get wasted at my expense and then say he needed that, but not once were my needs considered (his excuse was I never left my bedroom and despite explaining to him that I wasn't allowed to and dreamed of a life where I could go out and have some fun, it didn't get through to him). It is really nice to see to some of my other needs beyond working (working in a field that I'm qualified to work in doing what I want to do was vitally important to my well-being and I'm grateful the government now recognise that) being met. None of my plans involve getting wasted as that isn't healthy in any sense, but I will be fulfilled socially and my hair will finally be done (which is really important to me).
And on that thought, I do have some shorter things to finish up before dinner (as if by some miracle, I did all the chores yesterday and did the laundry between Friday evening, yesterday morning and then yesterday evening when I arrived home). Then after dinner, I work on my portfolio and graphic design (this is usually an every day thing, like me waking up early to write, but these past few weeks, my son has been late to leave to school so I've been getting into work late and just too tired in the evenings).
Have a great week. As next weekend is just hair and nails and grocery shopping, I'll hopefully have the time to get up some more selections from my books.
PS. Thanks for purchasing Stara, whoever you are. Here's some pictures of Jerk Face deciding not to hold a grudge after giving him flea drops.
Obviously, while my house was being done over the winter, I stopped working on the novel and the cut-up project (which were my winter plans) to work on shorter things that still needed to be done but not right away. That was just because I knew I'd be distracted and wouldn't be able to concentrate fully on the novel (third rewrite lucky). Plus, rebuilding my skills and putting together a new portfolio. So I am super busy.
I'm also looking forward to having something resembling a life where I'm not working all the time over the summer. This is the first time this has happened since I was a child. I worked hard to get to this point and I'm going to enjoy it.
However, sacrifices need to be made. And over the next few weeks, my summer plans will come at the expense of my website. Normal posting will eventually resume. And I will still try to get selections from my books posted as and when I can. I do still hope to have extracts posted for all my books by the end of the summer. I think I have one or two free Saturdays in there.
Having a life is something I have badly needed for many years now (like since I was 16, but the opportunity was never there and thankfully, everything that happened to me is now really fucking illegal on a domestic and family front - that includes extended family and son's relatives, so still working on making it illegal for teachers to behave in such a manner towards other people). My son's father would always go out and get wasted at my expense and then say he needed that, but not once were my needs considered (his excuse was I never left my bedroom and despite explaining to him that I wasn't allowed to and dreamed of a life where I could go out and have some fun, it didn't get through to him). It is really nice to see to some of my other needs beyond working (working in a field that I'm qualified to work in doing what I want to do was vitally important to my well-being and I'm grateful the government now recognise that) being met. None of my plans involve getting wasted as that isn't healthy in any sense, but I will be fulfilled socially and my hair will finally be done (which is really important to me).
And on that thought, I do have some shorter things to finish up before dinner (as if by some miracle, I did all the chores yesterday and did the laundry between Friday evening, yesterday morning and then yesterday evening when I arrived home). Then after dinner, I work on my portfolio and graphic design (this is usually an every day thing, like me waking up early to write, but these past few weeks, my son has been late to leave to school so I've been getting into work late and just too tired in the evenings).
Have a great week. As next weekend is just hair and nails and grocery shopping, I'll hopefully have the time to get up some more selections from my books.
PS. Thanks for purchasing Stara, whoever you are. Here's some pictures of Jerk Face deciding not to hold a grudge after giving him flea drops.