If you want to review any of my books, I can offer a free e-pub copy of my self-published books. Unfortunately, anything I have out with publishers at the moment are either mobi's or I lost the files.
Although reviews upon release are nice, I'm not fussy. I like reviews one year after something has been released too. I had one of those the other week for Name Dropping With Hayden that was nearly one year to the date of the book first appearing on godless. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter when a review comes in. Reviewers are unpaid and giving up their time. If I send a reviewer something and they don't get around to reading it for 18 months, I still want the review and I'm not going to nag you for not reviewing it right away. I find that behaviour incredibly unfair and mean. I don't know what is going on in your life, even if you are very open about it and plaster it on social media, I probably miss it.
I repost good reviews and 1* reviews (provided I have the time). So, once you review it, send me a link or tag me on social media and you get a repost. I also understand, especially with #booktok that not all reviewers post text, but instead do video. I repost those too.
Obviously, next year I won't have as many releases. I'm focusing on novels this year and these are novels I always intended to have released through a publisher. Some people may not realise this, but I started my writing career with publishers. I was typically relatively happy with publishers. I just wanted to learn how to self publish. So going forward, from next year onwards, it'll be a mix of traditional publishing and self publishing after focusing on self publishing through the pandemic. But anyways, the release schedule (even in 2018) when going with publishers is a bit longer between writing the book and it actually being released. There's other steps in there (although self-publishing has its own steps too, but with doing my own artwork etc, i'm not having to communicate with cover artists stuff like that, plus publishers release multiple books in any given year, so mine has to be on their schedule, not mine, and that could be two years after acceptance - fiction writing is an exercise in patience on top of everything else and obviously, the books may be rejected a few times before finding a home).
This year will have less releases than the previous two years. And I've put Stef and Tucker on the back burner for now (they seemed a bit tired, so best to let them rest).
If you want advanced releases of what I have planned for this year:
- 56 Seconds is already on godless. It'll be reissued onto amazon on the last day of March/first of April. That's 5 years to the date that I first sent it to my publisher.
- I have two godless only releases for the first half of the year that can be sent out in advanced.
- I do not have a #31daysofgodless release ready yet, but I should have that by the end of August.
- I have not put together my #antichristmas stories for godless yet, but those will work in the same way as The Dog Dies At The End. If you want a sneak preview, here you are. There are three of them. They may change slightly, or I may weave them together a bit so it is one long story rather than three short. Those should also be available around the end of August for advance reader copies (ARC). I will be participating in Christmas stories again this year (I will probably write those once I finish We Gave the World Synthpop Dreams), or at least, I intend to.
So, how do you get these books? Send me a message on social media. I may not be familiar with you as a reviewer, so blog links are welcome (or tiktok, youtube, whatever). I also take interview requests in the same way. And like with reviewers, I may not be familiar with you, so send a link. Don't assume that just because you have a big name, that I know who you are. I do have a life outside of horror and bizarro. Plus, Liverpool can be very insular (as I've mentioned before).
Now for the readers:
A quick note on Ket Pandas and Snow White. I do plan on writing more Ketamine Addicted Panda books, but they are not on my schedule yet. With the first one, it was seven months to write and I was writing other things alongside it. I intend on self-publishing the rest of the series. With Snow White, it is pencilled in to finish from the second half of this year. That is subject to change, depending on how long We Gave the World Synthpop Dreams takes. I am still uncertain on how I am releasing Snow White. And yes, I know people want more Ghetto Super Skank. The Merpeople of Europa was always intended and I will one day get around to it.
PS readers, you can take pictures of my books, whether you have them in print or on your e-readers and tag me in them and I'll give them a re-share.
In terms of audiobooks. Both Night of the Penguins and Crackhouse in the Desert are only available on audible. At this point in time, I have no current audiobook plans for my self publishing releases. As I said, it is only no current plans. There's only so many hours in a day, and only so many days in a week. I have enough on my plate as it is.
And on that thought, time to get ready for the week.