First published by JEA on 16 July 2016, due to be republished in 2022 with a new cover. If you're nice, someone with a signed copy with the original cover might part with it for enough money. If you ever met Dani at a convention when she had Reptile in stock you might have been asked to open to any page in this book and you'd read something horrible and disgusting, because that's what Reptile is. Flying ants are real, but it doesn't seem likely that someone will give birth to them and cloning technology just ain't there yet. In other words, this is fiction.
A kicking inside Ruth wakes her up in the middle of the night, but she's not pregnant. She had been out with the local Fetish Community the night before. They weren't really her friends though. She tried to fit in with them. It seemed possible they injected her with something. The Supreme Sub called all the shots. She didn't like Ruth. Ruth was a threat to her and the way she set up the Fetish Community. Anyone with an actual fetish had been driven out long before.
Ruth didn't want to go to the hospital. They wouldn't give her an ultrasound - they'd lock her up instead. The best course of action would be to cut it from beneath the layers of blubber herself. Her parents were light sleepers. She would have to move her form down the stairs and to the kitchen for her father's best knives in silence - a quest Ruth always finds difficult. If successful, she can cut away her fat and sell it online. With a decent income source, she can move away.
Beads pour out from the first incision...
A kicking inside Ruth wakes her up in the middle of the night, but she's not pregnant. She had been out with the local Fetish Community the night before. They weren't really her friends though. She tried to fit in with them. It seemed possible they injected her with something. The Supreme Sub called all the shots. She didn't like Ruth. Ruth was a threat to her and the way she set up the Fetish Community. Anyone with an actual fetish had been driven out long before.
Ruth didn't want to go to the hospital. They wouldn't give her an ultrasound - they'd lock her up instead. The best course of action would be to cut it from beneath the layers of blubber herself. Her parents were light sleepers. She would have to move her form down the stairs and to the kitchen for her father's best knives in silence - a quest Ruth always finds difficult. If successful, she can cut away her fat and sell it online. With a decent income source, she can move away.
Beads pour out from the first incision...