My son's room is meant to be finished on Thursday, so at least I can paint in there over Easter.
With all this work-related stress floating about, I've put We Gave the World Synthpop Dreams to the side. When I'm stressed, I struggle to write and make sense. I have some drawings to work on, both digital and with my pencils. These are vital skills that I wish I never lost. I'm also working on a splatterpunk story that is an easier write. It is called Scene Missing and I've been toying with the idea in my head for awhile now. When researching WGTWSD I've been looking at silent film era stars and I just thought it would be fun to write about lost scenes and films.
And this stress is 100% work-related. Even with my housing situation, which started before the work crazy bullshit, I was pretty chill and happy. I was actually really excited about my house. 20 years ago, when Placebo released Sleeping with Ghosts, I dreamt of living in a decent house and supporting myself and always having food to eat and being able to come and go as I please without anyone shouting at me or telling me I'm a bad person for having a life outside of my bedroom and not worshipping the ground some abusive man-child walks on (seriously, my parents forced me to be in a relationship and I was expected to cater to the man-child's every needs without a consideration of what that would do to me, but in my father's beliefs women are responsible for the world's ills while only being half-people).
Well, I'm finally getting that nice house. Yes, it is social housing and not my mortgage free fixer-upper. But it'll be somewhere nice to come back to when I have a bad day (which is every day since this phone thing at work). And as I said last week, because I'm down to the last two fixable problems from prior to the #metoo movement (the one that needs to be dealt with first, the debt, is on direct debits, so I only need to consider it in my budget and don't need to think about it), I am considering dating again. Obviously, I need a new job first and then need to settle into that. But although I've really enjoyed being able to fix my life in peace (except the creeps) and knew very-well that I would only attract more of the same if I tried dating before I sorted this stuff out, the plan never was to be alone forever.
The work-related stress is making it so difficult to focus on all the good things, but at least I'm taking action and there's so much good going on at the same time. Especially with the house. I can't wait to start painting and cleaning. And at least I didn't spend the entire weekend this week a nervous, anxious wreck. I stick to my medical advice that I received while the #metoo movement was occurring and I was still trapped and it really does work, but with all things mental health related, there isn't a quick fix.
I had a bit of a shock when this landed in my inbox the other day. But it did allow me to reflect on where I was when this album came out. Everything I have now seemed so far away (and further as Placebo released more albums while I was trapped in the ten years between graduation and #metoo).
- Ketamine Addicted Pandas kicked off the week.
- Ghetto Super Skank was the star of the first part of the week.
- Then Broccoli took over. By the way, if you want paperback, I've had to reprice and Lulu are absolute cunts about it even though they fucking made me do it with the cost of raw materials going up, so you can buy the paperback on Lulu or wait a few weeks for it to be back on amazon. You can usually get discount codes for Lulu with a quick Google search. The ebook is still on sale on godless. I do get more money from Lulu and godless sales.
- The rest are so mixed but, Satan's Yeast Infection is still going strong.
- Surprise movement from The Midnight Pumpkin Fucker along with The Snow Queen (they do go together, all my fairytales do, you'll see it pretty strongly in Snow White when I eventually finish that). And of course, the Prime Minister in 30-50 Feral Hogs Versus the Big Bad Unicorn likes to snort the Snow Queen's finest blow though the dick on his forehead.
- 56 Seconds is slowly climbing the godless charts. Due to the prose-poetry and erotica without anything extreme or too horrible (DJ Donnie does piss re-animated flies though). 56 Seconds will be back in paperback and available in hardback for the first time ever, hopefully next weekend because it is five years to the day that I sent it to the publisher.
- The Dog Dies at the End, despite being two Christmas stories is still selling. This is another one of my tamer books. I hope you are enjoying it. And no, you won't get attached to the two dogs.
- And the week finished with Reptile.
And thank you so much for reviewing. I am reading them and they are super appreciated. Over the years, I've struggled to get reviews. Then with German Dani Brown's books appearing on my goodreads it makes it worse (every time a librarian removes them, they reappear sometimes within hours, so I've given up). The reviews as well, help distract from the work-related stress when I can't tackle it head on by applying for new jobs. I will start sharing the reviews once I have some time.
I do have some notes for another Marmite story. Together, let's make this possible. Just say no to Marmite. It is a gateway to more vile Marmite products. I have to pay attention in the supermarket to make sure I'm not buying anything contaminated.
And on that thought and two Placebo albums later, I'm going to make some lunch and get some writing or drawing in. I hope everyone is having a better time than I am lately. Is it Saturn moving into Pisces? This shit started while Saturn was on the move. Is it Pluto's temporary shift into Aquarius before retrograding back into Capricorn? I will be focusing my AI posts on astrology when I get a chance to work on them, but priorities: new job and re-decorating some of these rooms.