I won't go into details about each book because I've linked to their pages. I haven't updated the pages to include the new godless links because I'm still experiencing tech difficulties. But go to my godless page or search godless for Dani Brown and you won't miss them.
And thank you if you've already purchased my self published re-issues. Each one contains a new introduction. And Ketamine Addicted Pandas has the Ketamine Addicted Pandas: Nazi Apocalypse short story. I will eventually get to the second one plus the two spin-offs (the Bible Belt is a very big place with lots and lots of churches and mosques plus some Satanists that the pandas want to visit - unlike real black metallers, the pandas are pretty indiscriminate when it comes to their hate, although they do hate nazis that bit more and have currently allied themselves with demons but demons are demons and Satanists are humans and therefore their brains must be tasty and in trve panda form, the religious buildings must burn).
This weekend's plans involve finishing a drawing, Stef and Tucker 5 Mile High, and Scumbags 2. Obviously I also have chores and laundry to do. And maybe my son will want to watch something.
On that thought, I'm going to make dinner and then have a bubble bath and an early night. I will hopefully get up the reviews page I've been planning for a few weeks now (I am not open to reviews, I figured I will try to start reviewing the books I've been buying on godless, I will explain more of my methods and reasons when I actually put up the page).
And try to remember, what I write is fiction. It isn't real. I am not in the mood for sexual harassment (ever). And before you get all offended by the pandas, not only are they fiction characters they're a) meant to be offensive and b) they're fucking pandas.