I have wanted a decent vacuum cleaner for so many years now. This was one of many reasons I wanted to establish a career and independence for myself all those years ago. Things like working vacuum cleaners were always denied to me (and depending on the person, I'd either be shouted at because the house wasn't clean or shouted at for wanting to live in a clean environment or told I had no one to impress so I shouldn't bother cleaning).
I am so happy with this one. So much cat fur has come off my carpets. I didn't realise my rugs could look so clean. Was it worth rushing to ASDA the day my tax credits cost of living payment arrived? Yes. Was it worth risking myself in a taxi? Yes. And it was the last one in the shop. Even my son was excited about it and took pictures to send to his friends. He was the one to unbox it while I used the flea spray (also in the picture) to quickly treat the house.
On Thursday, I did the proper clean and de-fleaing. By this point, it seemed most of the fleas were dead, but you can't be too cautious with a flea infestation. Plus, they run the risk of triggering a PTSD reaction (as I mentioned last week).
I had time booked off work for Thanksgiving long before the fleas and my vacuum cleaner breaking. I had a half day on Thursday. Cleaning my house and vacuuming everything was not how I planned on spending Thanksgiving but it is now so clean in here.
I finished the cleaning yesterday, so woke up today with no chores. That is a nice way to wake up on a Saturday. I did cook a turkey yesterday. All the pans are washed and put away but the serving dishes holding the leftovers are still out. And there's some laundry that can't go in the tumble drier hanging up, but apart from that, everything is clean. Even did the dusting.
I am going to try to finish up those few things I have to do now. And then I get time away from writing while I enjoy the festive time and decide if I want to finish off Snow White or We Gave the World Synthpop Dreams first. Or, work on something else entirely (I have that cut-ups project, some sound projects and more than a few visual art projects).
Oh and vacuuming is so much quicker and easier now. Plus better for my back.