This summer, I'm obviously going to spend relearning inDesign and Photoshop and I'll hopefully get to grips with Illustrator so I can have a new portfolio focused mainly on the digital, which will help me get a new job by the time the leaves start turning. So, I may not be around all that much. I will share my progress, but that's more to do with when I don't, I have people trying to "fix" me because I must be broken if I'm not living every goddamn moment through social media instead of just being busy. By the way, these people who live through social media are really unhealthy. I just want them to leave me alone and unfortunately posting some vague idea of what I'm doing is the best way to go about it.
And it looks like while I was gone, Ginger Nuts of Horror had some sort of attack on his website, which google totally penalised him for because that is something google punish you for. Here's the new Ginger Nuts, go give Jim your support. He's been really supportive of me. I think he's archiving the old site, so hopefully anything of mine on the old one will still be there.
I'm obviously working a bit more closely with the lovely Mar Garcia. Mar is giving me some direction, and although I'm applying that to what I need to do to get my lost skills back and get a new job, it is obviously more for my horror work - mainly writing at this stage. She has put an excerpt from 56 Seconds up on her website if you've been on the fence about it, you can read some of it over here. As that seems like a really good idea, I have started to add excerpts here too. It'll probably take all summer to post something from each book, but you can get started with 50 Shades of Gnome (which was released while I was avoiding the socials) and Name Dropping with Hayden.
Also, as part of trying to secure new employment in the near future, I will be setting up my own wordpress site. This site will still be my main output for writing and art (and sound), but wordpress is pretty much the standard. It'll be focused on what I can do in marketing, but I'll post the links if you are curious or don't trust that I am doing what I say I am doing.
And this part of redecorating my house is finally finished. I posted about it on TikTok if you want to see the videos. The landing just needed refreshing rather than full on work and redecorating. And I tidied up the room of shame, listed things I no longer need on Olio etc. So when I have the money to sort out the room of shame, that'll be easier plus I have space to paint and circuit bend when I can no longer handle the digital and need a little break.
And on that thought, I do have some writing to see to. Later in the month, I'll open Story Time to submissions, which I'm really looking forward to. The creeps seem to be leaving me alone (finally) so I have much more freedom with my youtube now that Story Time has served its purpose (I am keeping it).