This year is going to be no different. Although I am working my dream job, it is a full time position and I'm already tired and had to make some lifestyle changes to accommodate it.
I know there are a lot of people that like to view a physical lack of energy as depression. It isn't. So trying to make me find more hours in the day to accommodate arm chair psychology or trying to get me to do the thing whatever the thing is, only makes me tireder and sicker. I had run into this same problem a few years back where the constant messaging from one woman because she wanted to see my problems the same as hers ended up in a harassment complaint and me not getting done what I need to get done for basic survival. This then created a bunch of problems that didn't exist before for me to clean up (additionally, because one woman did it, my ex saw it fit to dump the same sorts of people on me, therefore making the set of problems this woman created in my life and my son's life even more difficult to clean up and I'm still cleaning up the problems having additional people dumped on me created, nor is my health expected to recover).
In addition to that, I do have PTSD. I have received some treatment for it but there is not a miracle cure and I need to stick to my medical advice, which does involve less chatting on social media and more rest and constructive activities (really I don't need a doctor to tell me that, but the types of people that seem to dismiss what I need to do to keep myself functional are the sorts that will only listen to a doctor). This is also my legal advice. Yes, when I get a chance, I message my friends but I don't often get that chance because I'm fucking tired from ten additional years of dealing with people who have no respect for their own well-being and then project that onto the people around them.
Plus, you know, we're approaching the festive period. My son detests Halloween so I don't have to worry about that one, but he loves Bon Fire Night. I like to take him out for that one. It is a thing we do. And we like to see the Christmas lights in town. And I somehow need to go Christmas shopping (even with the cost of living increases, I'm hoping to afford Christmas this year, I don't want a repeat of last year). And he needs help with his school work. It isn't fair on him when people take hours from me to deal with their problems or what they see as my problems so I get behind with things and have less time for him. Some of these things I get behind in are vital sources of income for us.
You don't know what battles someone is fighting behind closed doors. You think you do, but you don't. So let's play a little game called letting me do what I need to do. Because most of it is very practical things, like cooking dinner or cleaning the house, stuff that fucking has to be done. When I don't do those things because I'm dealing with someone, it means that time I need to provide an income source is dipped into. As I posted on TikTok a few weeks back, are you paying my rent? It keeps the bad times cycle going or in this case, there's been increased threats to start it up again in the post pandemic world.