When I do speak up it is about one of three things:
- trigger warnings
- trans rights (there aren't words to express how much I hate terfs and their male right wing equivalent - but that's a post for a different day and there will be copious use of the word 'nonce' in regards to transphobes, like these creeps are super-nonces and in the USA are trying to have their nonce tendencies written into legislation in some states)
- reading too much into fiction and art in general, which is what this post is about.
But I honestly don't see anyone in indie horror liking what I have to say about this. Why? Because I've been speaking out about it since before my first book was published in 2014. And at this stage, I'm fucking pissed off and fed up and C. Derick Miller should still be driving the goddamn train at Six Flags and maybe he would be if the indie community weren't so engrossed in a massive fucking brown nosing circle jerk. Obviously, everyone in the community isn't involved in this massive fucking circle jerk, but it is enough and it is the people that shout the loudest and seem to have the most drama surrounding them. Therefore, they get the most attention.
Instead of people listening to me, I get told that I should wear a sweatshirt instead of what I like to wear, I get asked why I get my nails done if I'm not interested in dating, same with my hair. These people sound like my father. One of the things I was really looking forward to when I was growing up was becoming an adult so I could wear whatever the fuck I wanted because it brings me joy and happiness (seriously, being forcibly made to dress like a teenage boy is depressing and identity erasing). If you are too busy judging someone based on what they're wearing, you have some seriously questionable personality traits. And seriously, saying I want "it" based on what I'm wearing is fucking rapey and that is part of the problem (and I strongly suspect that people who say those things commit sex crimes because it is so goddamn objectifying). My clothing and makeup choices should only be important to me because I'm the one wearing it.
So, what have I been saying since before My Lovely Wife was published?
I've been saying that artists, writers, film makers, musicians are not what they create.
When I was in university getting my Creative Writing degree I was lured into a false sense of security. I felt safe creating. I was encouraged to create characters based on someone entirely different from who I am (I had been a very private person but a bad relationship later, I now speak up). And I did. I created this. This manwhore of a character. As I don't have a dick and don't sleep around, I never thought, not once in my life that people would project that character's traits onto me as if I could magically grow a dick and change my sexual habits.
But people, very much in the plural sense, did.
And this included one who also had a creative writing degree from a different university. On this course, the students were taught that writers only ever write who they are. I won't go into details about how that turned out for me, but it was most unpleasant despite my "no's" and despite me pointing out that if what this person were taught on their course was true, I would have a dick. So, not even logic gets through to these people.
And this course, and many like it are still running. They're still churning out students that think Stephen King lives in the sewers, dragons exist as do ice zombies, Middle Earth is real, etc. etc. And you can bet that people who can't think for themselves and apply logical are taking them and being awarded degrees and now think that they know everything about creative writing and why writers write. These aren't the sort of people that know how to listen and treat others with respect at any rate.
Add to that an army of teachers, social workers and police officers (I really thought police officers knew better, but I've heard a lot of stories about them over the last few years, not related to their sex crimes and domestic violence - just open a random English newspaper). Teachers and social workers seem to be the absolute worst for projecting art onto the artist though. Teachers, who have power over the next generation. And don't get me started on social workers.
So, now we have wannabes that go around, some even publish a book or have a song produced, etc and harass authors at conventions (yes, that has happened to me) because if they're writing what they are then every single other creative is creating what they are. And again, these wannabe losers don't listen or respect boundaries. And they start grabbing. And they're encouraged to do so by what they've been taught by teachers, lecturers and social workers.
And no one does anything. Because look at what she is wearing. Look at what she is writing. And did you hear what her ex said? Whatever he said must be true. He couldn't have possibly made it up (sometimes based on her own stories, but only the ones he would allow her to write, the shallow and violent ones, not the deeper or more experimental ones, because he wasn't taught to write like that so it isn't legitimate).
And no one listens when I speak up and say, hey this happened to me and it isn't acceptable.
Because if anyone did, I bet C. Derick Miller would still be driving the train at Six Flags.
Maybe when Marilyn Manson was first accused of his laundry list of crimes against women, a handful of people listened when I would comment on blog posts and social media posts that said, "his music told us who he is" (all it really told us was he needed Trent Reznor's help with his lyrics amongst other things) and point out how dangerous that belief was and what happened to me because of my writing. Really, Marilyn Manson's interviews told us he was immature. But his lyrics and stage show didn't tell us anything about Brian Warner.
And some people did listen to me and started repeating what I was saying. They saw the logic in it. They understood that women get RAPED because of people going around thinking that artists are what they create.
But then some shiny new thing came along. So while I was writing to former Prime Ministers etc. and trying to do something about this and at least have a disclaimer put on courses that are going to teach people to create from the inside that not everyone does that, these people left.
And I was alone fighting this fight yet again as a person that no one really listens to.
Resist Cancel Culture
Now, this awful meme is circulating social media. Why is it awful? Because Cancel Culture means so many different things. It does nothing to highlight what has actually occurred (a man lost his job because of a line in a book). The same day this happened, at least one creep was outed (it might have been two). That's also Cancel Culture. Telling TERF Wizard to shut up is also Cancel Culture. Tucker Carlson getting the sack and probably even more of a voice is also Cancel Culture (may whatever gods you worship help us with that one, as he's probably going to blow up now). Varg Vickernes being banned from Youtube? Cancel Culture. Some Karen finds something offensive? Cancel Culture.
I don't typically agree with 'cancelling' things. With the Tucker Carlson example, he's probably going to be bigger and his audience is going to even more hang on his every word and act on them now that he's unrestrained completely. Fox News still had to bend to their advertisers which gagged him a bit. Calling people you don't agree with politically 'stupid' isn't a very good idea either. It pushes them further from the mainstream and right into the arms of extremists. There are so many ways in which Cancel Culture goes wrong and well, it is nearly one in the morning and I would like to wake up at a reasonable hour tomorrow.
I've been seriously creeped on and would have been raped at a convention if it weren't for the interference of some artist whose name I can't remember and that drives me crazy because I owe him a drink at the very least (I think he said he was from London, but it might have been Manchester, does anyone know who he is, the incident happened in 2018 in Liverpool, the artist, not the creep, I will die a happy person if I never see that creep again).
The creep's reason for creeping on me? A combination of what I was wearing and what I write. (And probably Liverpool. There seems to be an underlying current of beliefs that amount to "objectifying someone is flattering them".) But he didn't state Liverpool. He stated what I was wearing and what I write.
Have you read Reptile? Does anyone want what is in that book in that happening to them? That isn't BDSM. That's a gross exaggeration and cartoonish version of BDSM. 56 Seconds, which actually is pretty sexy in places was still a few weeks away from release when this incident happened. And even with 56 Second, it shouldn't make a difference because even though that book is sexy in places, it isn't who I am as a person (and it would be pretty difficult for me, without a dick, to film myself wanking and send it to someone).
I did not ask for the creep in question to be cancelled. I asked why his friends allowed him to get to that point? I asked why no one pointed out to him that when a woman says no, it means no and to leave her alone. I asked why people encourage him to behave in such an awful and dehumanising manner towards others? I called out the people that allowed that to happen. Because this isn't happening in isolation.
Which brings us back to the BIG MEANIES that instead of listening to me, pick on what I'm wearing. Why is no one speaking out when they're doing this. Why is no one saying, hey this isn't acceptable. Do people get withdrawals if there isn't enough drama and dehumanisation in the horror community?
There are much bigger issues at play here than what someone is wearing. Like putting a stop to artists having their creations projected on them.
Because it is fucking dangerous. I most recently stated that in public in January. But I've been saying this for years.
​I'm an actual working author. Yes, I have a career and life outside of horror, but I've still been a working author for years and before that I went to university and earned a degree in the subject. I know what I'm talking about. I'm not here for people to pick on and not listen to and talk over. I actually do say things that are important.
Scroll to the bottom of the page for a video of me ranting about it.