Sandwiched between International Women's Day (a woman at work handed out gifts) and Mothers Day, I've had a rough weekend. Had to fill in the rather insulting tax credits migration form as if I'm not working flat out and there's been some other things. All of which need to be documented (I have gone into this before). Then there's that cesspit that is facebook (at least unless someone says something direct to me, I don't need to document it).
I did intend on finishing two short stories and updating the website with a new and improved interviews page (the old one will be remaining in place as that would need to be manually sorted out and I just don't have the time right now). But I haven't done any of that.
Speaking of godless, I won't be having an April release. I've already spoken to Drew. I don't typically like releasing in June and July, but I've pushed back Satan's Yeast Infection 3 to May which pushes back Stef and Tucker 6 to June (at least I won't be releasing in July provided I get left alone to get shit done and unwind a bit). I was actually thinking of pushing things back prior to Friday evening as I obviously want to put out the best stories I can. I still have those two short stories to finish and even with quick writes and the amount of stress and upset there's been this weekend I really can't rush them. Hopefully there will be no more delays this year. I have big plans for my writing projects that were meant to be done last year, which matter to me more than dealing with social media and people behaving like self-centred cunts as if their country is the only one that has problems and drama lords over on social media.
I did intend on finishing two short stories and updating the website with a new and improved interviews page (the old one will be remaining in place as that would need to be manually sorted out and I just don't have the time right now). But I haven't done any of that.
- So for now, here's my latest interview.
- And later on today, A Terrible Case of Dick Rot will hit godless.
Speaking of godless, I won't be having an April release. I've already spoken to Drew. I don't typically like releasing in June and July, but I've pushed back Satan's Yeast Infection 3 to May which pushes back Stef and Tucker 6 to June (at least I won't be releasing in July provided I get left alone to get shit done and unwind a bit). I was actually thinking of pushing things back prior to Friday evening as I obviously want to put out the best stories I can. I still have those two short stories to finish and even with quick writes and the amount of stress and upset there's been this weekend I really can't rush them. Hopefully there will be no more delays this year. I have big plans for my writing projects that were meant to be done last year, which matter to me more than dealing with social media and people behaving like self-centred cunts as if their country is the only one that has problems and drama lords over on social media.