I've been having algorithm problems with youtube and creeps so I've posted a video of me reading what I've done on The Machines Are Sick so far. You can read more about my algorithm problems over on my main blog.
I've been working on and off on a practice cut-up. I've been trying to stick entirely to found text without any adaptations minus punctuation, but I have made some changes. It is just practice because I haven't done one since moving to Liverpool nearly 11 years ago now. The last one I remember doing, I was getting found text out of a men's magazine which is no longer published. So this is how it has been going (please note this is still ongoing and subject to change)....
I did select very obvious source text for this, mainly for my own reference and so I get used to using found text again. And obviously, I plan on shoving some Aleister Crowley in there if I haven't already. Because Crowley's writing style was so distinctive, I feel that every cut up needs Crowley. And of course, none of my projects are complete without adding something from Trafficking and a Sexual December by Dav Crabes (such a masterful cut up I can't tell how much of it was made with my early work as a source material). My main project is a cut-up put together with cunty comments said to me on social media. Unlike The Panda Says No!, it is not being put together through chance. The Machines Are Sick Many of the extravagances you are about to see illustrated will doubtless displease you, article sluts and astonished benders. False evidence appearing real, you don’t know who to fucking believe anymore. Yes, I am well aware of it, astonished sluts and article benders. As aware as Saturn as he enters Pisces on March 7 and lingers in your eighth house of death and rebirth for the next two years. You can hear the bones humming dearly beloved article benders. There are amongst these extravagances a few which will warm you to the point of costing you some fuck. Keep in mind the identical moral traits; when Mercury in Taurus stations retrograde in your 10th house of career. Crawl. Crawl backwards and pass into the salon for the celebration of what are to be called the orgies. There you have the portrait of the Bishop of Planet X. Stabbed in the back and wept through the media blackout. An entity from the physical point of view infinitely inferior to the beloved article benders and astonished sluts. She was 13 and had been kidnapped while waiting for her life to finally start taking off. Instead, the sickly sweet sound of death warming up a sluggish golden river rolled over her governess. There’s an outsider inside. The time drew nigh for the examination of the oral kind. Oh great Bishop of Planet X, kidnapped from her bed so long ago took the stage. The eyes of Planet X burrowed through her very soul. Notes taken by benders and sluts: “I am professor of energy, adapted to an entity from the physical point.” So far, so convincing. The four fuckers chosen for the night’s service being excepted. They lurked in the eaves. The Bishop of Planet X blindfolded. She went on: “A depletion of romance from the physical point of view.” The Bishop of Planet X cast aside her robe. The slit between her legs had been sewn together. Tubes and wires hung down like tentacles lost in a sticky golden trickle, a sluggish golden river where the piss-bag overflowed. Those delicious hours were spent watching the sluggish golden river flow down what now served as the Bishop of Planet X’s legs while a blood-moon-lunar-eclipse in Taurus launched a new chapter. Her words lost all meaning as they fell from the hole that became her mouth. The bones hummed from the sea drowning the drone of the Bishop of Planet X in sickly golden honey.
The TG song has nothing whatsoever to do with The Machines Are Sick, but you can hear what I mean about Crowley in it. Obviously, the cut up technique is much more common amongst musicians than it is with authors - particularly because I also work within genre fiction where people don't grasp what a cut up is (I bet a lot of them listen to Nine Inch Nails though, I'm much more of a Skinny Puppy girl, but I find myself drawn to NIN just to hear the cut-ups) and are therefore outright hateful when I mention it on my social media.
AuthorHi, Queenie here, I thought I'd blog my progress and process with the practice cut up I've been working on. I am using very obvious source material, mainly for my own reference. I keep meaning to lift the illustrations for The Panda Says No! from my old Mac, but I might make some to go with The Machines Are Sick because I haven't tackled a full multi-media project like this in years and the last cut-up I did was never finished. ArchivesCategories |